Saturday, April 03, 2004

True Grit

Whew! I finished my presentation on True Grit last night, and I feel extremely relieved. It's strange, but just yesterday I felt buried. I felt as if I were juggling several things and just hoping that I can keep the balls in the air long enough not to completely drop any of them. Of course, many of us feel this way at this time in the semester...but that's not what I want to talk about. Yesterday, I wondered how I was going to get the hypertext reviewed, papers graded, and my lawn mowed. Today, however, the world looks brighter. Things that seemed impending and ominous, now seem quite do-able. I just never realized how much stress this presentation was creating.

I'm sure my current euphoria will be short-lived.

As for the presentation, I think it went very well. I enjoy getting dressed up in my best cowboy duds, and camping it up a bit. I also like the time that I spend researching for the presentation--I learn so much about a field I really know very little about.

Now, I have to start thinking about next year. The common theme for the college is going to be "transitions." It would be good if I could come up with a movie that fits in with the theme. Any ideas?

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