Saturday, October 18, 2008

Buckets & Return

I've been back for a week now; it's been quite a whirlwind. On the night I returned, I went straight to my son's campout. On Saturday, MK & X decided to reorganize his room, starting with the closet. We have got to work on de-cluttering the house. I don't remember much about Sunday. Monday was another karate, gymnastics, scouts night. Tuesday was all-day in-service for the college. Tuesday night was violin (rescheduled due to Thursday). Wednesday was a karate, gymnastics night. Thursday was karate testing, and MK sings in a group. Friday, I crashed. MK spent the night cleaning the house. Right now, she's shampooing the carpets. On top of all of our activities, the dog has been on medication that makes him drink lots of water. This, in turn, causes him to pee more. Since we don't currently have a secure outside place for him, that means he's been peeing in the house. We know because of the smell. Even I smelled it, so we know it must be really bad. Oh, and then one of the horses was limping. Another vet visit, and we have medication for him as well. On top of all this, I have tests to grade (that are well past-due), and I have several committees that I need to get moving on.

I talked to Paul about being a mentor, but I didn't do much else with my IDPD this last week. I'm feeling a little guilty about it. I need to be scheduling time to read and reflect each week. With weeks like this last one, I won't get the time if I don't purposefully schedule it. It feels as if I am trying to pick up mercury with my fingers...I'm just not getting a good grip on what needs to happen. Of course, I know from my Strengthquest, DISC, and other assessments that I will push myself to simply work harder. Yet, at the time, there doesn't seem to be much choice. One just needs to slog through over-commitment one step at a time...and just try not to become overcommitted in the future.

I did find time this last week to read How Full is Your Bucket. It's a really good book about the benefits of positivity. Filling others' buckets has never been a skill of mine...but I'm trying to develop it. I think it would be most beneficial in my relationship. MK could use a bit more bucket-filling. I'm also trying it with my grading, but that is much more difficult. I feel disingenous in providing anything less than a perfect score without describing in details all of the ways that the essay fell short of the top mark. Just the same, I'm trying to focus much more attention on what was good rather than the weaknesses.

I also had a really good Division Meeting on Monday. We did the check-in activity without a hitch. In fact, things went well until we started talking about the IDPD. The conversation started to drag as I addressed the concerns of an individual. I thought she raised some important concerns, and I wanted to address them. Unfortunately, the energy was drained by the time I discussed the DISC. I should have saved that discussion until next time. As it is, I decided to put off doing the DISC until next semester.

I also mentioned that I am considering applying for the associate dean position. There was quite a number of people who asked me not to. I'm still waffling quite a bit. Now, I'm concerned that if I don't end up applying, it will seem like a ploy (let me threaten to leave so you can all tell me know great I am). In my desire for input and to be upfront with my intentions, I fear that I may have backed myself into a corner. If I don't apply, I will have to explain to quite a few people why I didn't apply. Yet, I'm honestly not sure that now is the right time. I'm just getting settled as division chair...and there is so much to do.

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